Costa Rican Diamond Mountain

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Medium Roast
Tasting Notes: Apple, Raisin, Honey
Process: Fully washed and dried in micro lots on raised beds.
This single origin coffee is from the Bandera Brizuela "block" at the Martin's Gamboa farm and processed at the Montanas del Diamante mill.
Martin is one of the most experienced producers with "micro mills" where local pickers select the ripest cherries and then mechanically remove the fruit before sun drying on raised beds.
With the Eco pulper they are able to adjust the amount of fruit they want to remove before soaking/fermenting or drying the bean. In this case it is "double washed" which means they remove about 70% and then soak it under water to remove the rest. Then the beans are dried in micro lots on raised beds. The coffee is rotated every 90 minutes for 1-2 weeks until it reaches the perfect moisture content of 10 - 10.5%.